Expert-designed software to safeguard supply chains.
Authentik’s expert solution architects and product managers work with customers to understand their requirements and advise on how to protect their supply chain through intelligent deployment and integration of our agile, modular software platforms.

Maximize OEE
Whenever possible, we will try to work with your existing infrastructure and reduce any disruption to your production. If a more comprehensive integration is necessary, we will collaborate with you and your team to develop solutions that have been tested and are effective for everyone.

Secure the supply chain using modular approaches
Our modular software platforms provide protection for the supply chain throughout the product’s journey. Our adaptable approach allows us to expand the platform and add features to tackle new risks or generate more comprehensive insights and reports.

User friendly tools
Whether it is shipping and scanning reports or mobile applications for enforcement officers and consumers, we put the user at the heart of our design approach and delivery modern, easily manageable applications that provide insight and control.

Authentication, managing orders, Aggregation & De-aggregation.
Our experts can help you determine the best supply chain solutions for your needs by utilizing a variety of features and capabilities. We can assist in creating a comprehensive, end-to-end defense system that is tailored to your specific requirements. Reach out to us today to get started.

Analyzing data
The ability to make informed decisions based on knowledge is essential for successful analytics. With a worldwide supply chain, it is essential to secure the collection, manipulation, and display of data to guarantee control from beginning to end. Contact us to learn more about Authentik’s advanced reporting service package for governments and companies.

It is now expected that contemporary security documents are able to be used with mobile devices, whether it is for law enforcement officers to access verification information or to interact with, teach, and reassure customers.

Authentication Tools for Brands
Authentik’s Track & Trace platform provides a comprehensive e-verification system through mobile apps and analytics tools for enforcement officers and antipiracy teams. Authentik’s solutions also supports a consumer mobile verification app, which carries a unique serial number that is recorded in the authentication database.

This code is used to trace the labels from the label production factory to the Brand application and then to the market. The verification app not only verifies the label, but can be tailored to guide users through the authentication process, which includes how-to-tell videos and images. The system analytics record where scans are made and captures images of suspicious labels for further investigation.

Furthermore, it offers field enforcement officers an additional, unique verification check with sophisticated tools to verify the validity of a label in seconds, which is a valuable tool for agents who have limited time to visually inspect each label.

Secure Unique Identifiers
Authentik’s eco-system has a Code Generation and Management System that guarantees each item with an Authentik code is one of a kind worldwide, which is essential for industry to authenticate each item and track it.

Authentication & Reporting
Authentik not only specializes in physical security products, but has also designed a digital system that provides a wide range of services, from fully managed devices and apps for knowledgeable users to consumer authentication with reporting capability.

Enabling Intelligence & Enforcement
For any authentication solution to be successful, it is essential that tax enforcement teams have the ability to investigate illegal trading and, when identified, take action through seizures and other suitable sanctions. Authentik’s Track & Trace provides the most cost-effective and efficient way to do this.

After Sales & Support
Authentik’s Track & Trace system is designed to be highly customizable, ranging from hosting directly with Authentik to working with regional partners for local hosting, or even giving commercial organizations the ability to manage it on their own.